
The Zoo and BG is open daily without any covid restrictions for visitors.

Thank you for each of your visits! Thank you for your consideration, mutual tolerance and compliance with applicable regulations.

Hints, tips and information

* Opening hours

March to October 8 a.m. -  7 p.m. , last entry 6. p.m.

November to February 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.  last entry  4: 30 p.m.

* Admission:

220 CZK; children/ seniors 160 CZK






Dino Park, part of the Plzen Zoo, is open from April to October. At this time it is possible to visit the whole area for the one admission or you can pay for just the Zoo or Dino Park.

To visit just the Dino Park you must enter at the winery at the north entrance.

* Dogs and other animals are not allowed

* Taking photographs is free and allowed

* Washrooms are free

* Parking at the main ticket office/ entrance is 100 CZK

NEWS 2018

NEWS 2019

NEWS 2020

NEWS 2021 

NEWS 2023

Short history of the zoo (1926-2020)


Annual reports with english summaries

Visiting guidelines

A "Guide" brochure from 2020 will guide you through the Pilsen Zoo and Botanical Garden. It is available at the entrance and in the Lemur Souvenirs shop.

The Pilsen Zoo opened its gates for the first time in 1926 near the town center in Doudlevce. It was founded by the Iris Association of Aquarists. Since 1963, the Pilsen Zoo has been in its present location in the Lochotín town part. Its area grew to the present 21 ha after a merge with the Botanical Garden in 1981. Parting according to zoogeographical areas (continents) in 1996 meant a start of a vast modernisation. This new system introduced several new natural enclosures, pavilions, animal species and zoo-botanic exhibits. As of the beginning of 2018 the zoo offered almost 1200 animal species represented in 6000 individual animals.

The present largest animals in the zoo are our Indian Rhinos. They reproduced in 2014 and 2017. We have also kept giraffes and Pygmy Hippos since 2010. The world of beasts of prey represents a vast collection of species, for example Barbary Lions, Siberian Tigers, Snow Leopards, Brown Bears, mongooses or some representatives of canine. Apes can also be seen in our zoo, ranging from chimpanzees, gibbons, guerezas, marmosets and over ten species of lemurs in the Madagascar pavilion. The Pilsen Zoo also offers zebras, camels, bisons, antelopes, porcupines, 9 species of kangaroos or domestic animals in our farm. As for birds, you can admire emus, penguins, hornbills and another almost 300 species. We have always been rich in reptiles and at present we keep giant turtles, monitors, crocodiles and a numerous collection of poisonous snakes was introduced in 2015 in a newly reconstructed tropical pavilion.

Some of our exhibits, units and pavilions are quite unique for the whole Czech Republic. For example a reconstructed war underground shelter, which we call “the Underground World”. Visitors can see there nocturnal or underground living animals. Unusual is also the Czech River exhibit with very large fish (catfish, carps and pikes) or playful otters. Our bear enclosure is the largest one in the whole Czech Republic with its 1 ha area. In 2004, we built a stone Japanese garden Showa-en, which inspired a change of a two-hectare arboretum of the botanical garden into an Asian Garden exhibit. Since 2003, our visitors can combine the visit of the zoo and botanical garden with the first Czech DinoPark. Further attraction is situated in the town center: the Akva Tera branch was founded in 1962 and it displays a vast collection of cold-blooded vertebrates and invertebrates of five tropical world regions, dominated by small species of island monitors.

 Fast food and warm lunches can be bought in our restaurants and snack bars. All of them are opened in summer. During winters they take turns so that at least two are available. Kiboko is the oldest restaurant in our zoo history. It has a large terrace and can be found near the main entrance. The farm restaurant on the hill offers an old-fashioned Bohemian style cuisine and a view from the Lüftnerka farm overlooking the historical part of Pilsen. It is situated in the north-west part of the zoo. The farm houses cows, horses, blacksmith´s workshop or you can visit a unique museum – a room of a farmer from the break of the 19th-20th century. The Siberian log hut overlooks the tiger´s enclosure. While enjoying warm snacks or drinks, you can also go downstairs to see closely the tigers´ pool and an aquarium with sturgeons. A snack bars “At Hornbill” and “At the Tropical Pavilion” are traditional ones here as well. Many visitors do not resist to have a sausage, ice lolly or coffee after visiting our snakes and on their way to the penguins. We also have a new cake shop “At Squirrel”, which is at the children playground near the tropical pavilion and on the way to the falconry shows in the main season. The falconry shows take place from April till the end of September six days a week. A coffee shop on the terrace above the tigers´ enclosure was newly opened in 2017. If you are just thirsty, there are a few drinks dispensers around the zoo.

We offer our visitors also a healthier drink alternative in a form of stylish drinking spots with water. They can be found in some statues or large children playgrounds (in the farm or at the amphitheatre). Souvenirs can be purchased in a building of an old barn near the Kiboko restaurant. Pairs games, fluffy toys, postcards and many other items can be bought right there. In the summer season, it is possible to get to our zoo by a tourist train, which starts its journey from the main Pilsen square.

We unfortunately do not allow dogs to enter our zoo. Smoking is allowed only in marked areas. Apart from fish granules purchased form our machines, feeding any animals is strictly forbidden. Toilets and photographing are free. Payments in EURs are possible on cashier´s desks and in two restaurants. Many services can be paid only in the Czech crowns though. If you wish to visit only our DinoPark, it is possible to enter it only from the north (upper) entrance from the Vinice town part. Beware, that some paths in our zoo (around the bears´ enclosure, from Asian garden) are steep and not suitable for baby carriages or visitors with some physical handicap.

We are looking forward to your visit and we wish you lots of fun and positive experience in our “Quite Different World”!


Zoological and botanical garden Plzen
V sobotu 2.11. nás čeká oblíbená vyzdobená strašidelná zoo číst dále
Do konce listopadu do zoo za stovku číst dále
Novinkou letošní sezóny je pavilon gueréz  číst dále
Šest dní v týdnu se konají ukázky dravců na amfiteátru číst dále
ObčerstveníObčerstvení GiftshopGiftshop WebkameryWebkamery PřírůstkyPřírůstky Veřejná krmeníVeřejná krmení Sponzoring a adopceSponzoring a adopce
Otevírací doba

březen–říjen: 8.00–19.00  (pokladna do 18:00)
listopad–únor: 9.00–17.00  (pokl. do 16:30)

Otevřeno 365 dní v roce včetně svátků, Vánoc a Nového roku! (DinoPark otevřen pouze od dubna do října). Více zde.

Najdete nás zde.


Zoologická a botanická zahrada (Zoo):

dospělí:220 Kč
děti, studenti, senioři:      160
rodiny (2+2):                      720

Zoo + DinoPark (pouze duben–říjen):

dospělí:390 Kč
děti a studenti:290 Kč
rodiny (2+2):                      1270 

Podrobné vstupné a slevy zde.

Počasí v Plzni
Facebook ZOOZoo
Facebook Akva-TeraAkva-Tera