březen–říjen: 8.00–19.00 (pokladna do 18:00)
listopad–únor: 9.00–17.00 (pokl. do 16:30)
Otevřeno 365 dní v roce včetně svátků, Vánoc a Nového roku! (DinoPark otevřen pouze od dubna do října). Více zde.
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Biogeographical Concept
In the year 1996 the leadership of the Zoological and BG decided to divide the area of the garden along the biogeographical areas of the world. Until that time the location of animals was subject to current building, exhibition and terrain means, according to utility or zoological taxonomy. In the scope of the geographical distribution, the biotope aspect is also brought into consideration (deserts, savannas, forests). The exhibitions therefor reflect nature. These areas were assigned colors, which will accompany you on labels, guideposts and other parts of the informational and educational system. While visiting the zoo, guests usually watch animals, plants and enjoy the pleasant environment. The individual houses do not attract attention on their own, but they are definitely worth noticing. 20 to 30 years ago, the Pilsen Zoo had a considerable handicap in the amount and size of pavilions, which could shelter guests from rain and lure in visitors even during winter. Also, most importantly, they could shelter more large, exotic animals. Most of the buildings were given over to the Zoo after it was moved to this location in 1963 and were rebuilt according to its needs.
Zoologická a botanická zahrada (Zoo):
Zoo + DinoPark (pouze duben–říjen):
Podrobné vstupné a slevy zde.