březen–říjen: 8.00–19.00 (pokladna do 18:00)
listopad–únor: 9.00–17.00 (pokl. do 16:30)
Otevřeno 365 dní v roce včetně svátků, Vánoc a Nového roku! (DinoPark otevřen pouze od dubna do října). Více zde.
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Dinopark and the Evolution of Plants
The Mesozoic exhibit Dinopark is an exhibit separated from the other parts of the zoo during the peak of the visiting season. The visitors need to purchase a separate ticket to enter. It is the oldest amusement park of its kind in Czechia and the visitors experience many wonderful adventures here. First and foremost, one has the chance to meet long extinct animals in their real-sized proportions. Some of them even move and roar. Visitors can also try on the archaeologist profession. The Mesozoic appears quite real in our 3D cinema.
The zoo-botanical exhibits represent life on the Asian islands of Jeju Island, Ulleungdo, Taiwan, Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. The visitors can also peek into the Hyrcanian Forests and the legendary Colchis.The layout of the area changes constantly.
The unique Evolution of plants is the newest botanical exhibit. The path through evolution leads the visitors from the first photosynthetic plants to the most modern flowering plants.
Zoologická a botanická zahrada (Zoo):
Zoo + DinoPark (pouze duben–říjen):
Podrobné vstupné a slevy zde.